
4 Effective Ways Our Team Generates Leads

4 Effective Ways Our Team Generates Leads

So you started a business, have a product, tossed up a beautiful website, subscribed to a CRM, and there's no leads and even worse, no revenue! Whether you are a marketing god with 3 unicorns ($1 billion+ companies) in your trophy room or a fresh high school graduate trying to run Facebook ads for a local dentist, you've been here, we all have. But keep in mind you're not doing anything wrong, in fact, you're off to a great start but it's just that,"a start". Now it's time to begin thinking about marketing and building a healthy scalable and predictable lead generation funnel for future growth.

Now how is this done exactly? We're going to cover the 4 most effective methods LeadLoft uses to generate leads.

How LeadLoft Generates Leads

1. We use... LeadLoft

We realize this is a shameless plug and before you judge us, hear us out. So far, our software, which you too can use, is responsible for more than 80% of the revenue our team has generated to date. A typical morning in the eyes of our sales team is as follows: hop on LeadLoft > find prospects > contact prospects > and repeat. Every day there is a set outreach goal, generate & contact 40 new leads, each team member is tasked with hitting and LeadLoft's software enables them to do this. Without LeadLoft's software our, now product-less, team would be waiting around for leads to come in, wasting time, money, and losing potential revenue. Think about companies that rely 100% on ads and organic traffic to book 30 minute calls or demos. If they book 100% of their available time with demos and achieve an answer rate of 70%, their team will still be wasting 30% of their day staring through a window. This is why we call LeadLoft a "Sales Enablement Software", because it enables your sales team to generate leads and revenue on their own without the help of a marketing department. Better yet, each lead that is contacted is hand picked by the sales team and subsequently, pre qualified.

If you think LeadLoft sounds amazing and you're interested in learning more about how we can fill your sales funnel, schedule a demo with our team here.

2. Content Marketing

LeadLoft is a fairly new company so we currently focus 80% of our time on outreach (wondering why?) but we also understand the importance of inbound marketing. So, the other 20% of our time is focused on building out our inbound funnel, which consists of content marketing, email drips, helpful resources, and other goodies that you'll eventually see if you stick around. Although we are just getting started, our inbound funnel is already producing results. Currently, our sales team wakes up to a few new leads from our website intake form every morning and as time goes on we only expect this to increase.

3. Google & Facebook Ads

Like 99% of tech companies, we also dabble in a digital ads. Although it's not necessary for us to prospect on ad networks, we do take advantage of the cheap cost of retargeting ads to stay in the mind of our potential customers.

4. Cash in on Your Connections

If you feel proud of your product, spread the love and get your friends, family, and network on board. In the early stages of a company, this is a great avenue for producing free high converting leads and getting some initial revenue in the door. If they're wary, simply share your team's success and help them to achieve the same results you have!

At the end of the day, there are so many ways a team can generate leads you should never be concerned about an empty funnel.

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