
Gmail Email Limits: How many emails should you send?

Gmail Email Limits: How many emails should you send?

Google accounts have clear sending limits set by Google but what google doesn’t tell you, is that getting anywhere close to these sending limits will land in the spam folder. 

Below we’ll be covering:

  1. What’s the maximum number of emails I can send per day on Google?
  2. How many emails should I send per day to stay out of spam?
  3. If my email is new, how many emails should I send per day?

Let’s dive in!

Before we begin, it’s important to understand that there are different types of Gmail accounts:

  • Personal Emails (Example:
  • Business Emails (Example:

Personal emails have more limitations and should be avoided for cold email and cold outreach. Business emails have less limitations and are great for cold email and cold outreach. 

What’s the maximum number of emails I can send per day on Google?

  • Personal Emails: 500/day
  • Business Emails: 2,000/day

You can learn more about the actual sending limit of your gmail account here. If you get anywhere close to the above numbers, you will likely get an alert from google saying that your email has been disabled for spamming. So how many emails should you send? See below.

How many emails should I send per day to stay out of spam?

  • Personal Emails: 40/day or less
  • Business Emails: 90/day or less

This is what we recommend you send per day. If you stay below these limits, you will stay out of spam and you will be able to use cold email forever as a reliable source for leads. However, there are other reasons why you might be landing in spam. If you'd like to learn all about them, check out our cold email deliverability checklist.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are using automated follow ups (email sequences, drip campaigns, or playbooks), the follow up emails are included in this recommended limit. So just keep in mind that you should only be enrolling 40 contacts per day if you have 2 total emails in a playbook.

If my email is new, how many emails should I send per day?

  • Personal Emails: 5/day to start. Scale +5 each week.
  • Business Emails: 10/day to start. Scale +5 each week.

This is what we recommend if your email is brand new or going to be sending cold emails for the first time. It’s best to start slow, optimize your email copy, then scale from there. 

Wrapping Up

When sending cold emails, most people know that google has a limit on the number of emails you can send in a day. What people don’t know is that you should never get close to that limit.

As long as you follow this article and take our recommendations to heart, you’ll have far more success with your cold email campaigns and will likely be a fan of cold email for the rest of your life. 

Remember, it’s all about quality, not quantity.

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