How to Build Playbooks

Learn how to use Playbooks like an outreach expert. This includes everything from building playbooks to enrolling prospects into them.

Ready to dive into LeadLoft and begin using Playbooks

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to build, set up, and use Playbooks with LeadLoft

So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s get started.

1. Building Your First Playbook:

  • Where to begin? Find and click on the ‘Playbooks’ tab. You'll see a ‘Create Playbook’ button. Give it a click.
  • Already have a Playbook? Simply select ‘View’ on the right to make edits.
  • Adding Steps: You’ll find a blue button that says ‘Add Playbook Step’. Click it and choose from options like email tasks, LinkedIn tasks, custom tasks, and more. 

2. Designing Your Playbook:

  • Step Timing: The first step happens right away, while other steps can have a delay (7 days by default). But you can tweak it to hours or days as per your need.
  • LinkedIn Connection Requests Work Differently: When you send one, there's a default 90-day wait for it to be accepted. You can adjust the waiting time so the contact moves on to the next step, but generally, it’s best to give prospects time to connect.

3. Playbook Settings:

  • Sending Settings: You can set a daily enrollment limit, deciding how many new contacts to engage daily. Anyone who exceeds this will be marked as ‘Scheduled’.
  • Eject on Reply: Keep it turned on to anyone who replies.
  • Emailing Unverified Addresses: A word of caution – it's best to only reach out to verified emails.
  • Sending Schedule: Set up when you want the emails to be sent. Pro-tip? Set it to “Any Time” and let LeadLoft optimize sending.
  • Change Lead Stages on Reply: This function helps categorize responses. For example, if someone shows interest, their status changes to ‘Interested’. Want more details? Check out the AI ReplyRouter tutorial.

4. Enrolling Contacts into Your Playbook:

  • Starting Off: Make your Playbook live by pressing the ‘Start Playbook’ button.
  • Enrollment Methods:
  • Bulk Enroll: Select up to 2k leads using the check box on the leads table.
  • Manual Enroll: Click the Playbook button to manually enroll on contact.
  • LeadLoft's Chrome Extension: While prospecting on LinkedIn, select a Playbook to automatically enroll prospects every time you click “Save”.

5. What Data is Required for Executing Tasks?

  • Email: Verified Email (Invalid emails are skipped)
  • Calls: Phone Number (Bad numbers are skipped)
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn URL (Messages are skipped if you are not connected)

Wrapping up

So that's how you build playbooks in LeadLoft. If you're ready to get started now, we recommend hopping into LeadLoft and testing playbooks out with a fake lead. This will ensure you learn how to use playbooks as quickly as possible. And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to our team. We're always more than happy to help. 

Happy prospecting!

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